Certified Legal Video Specialist






Award Winning





Legal Video Services

Phone: 864-271-EDIT (3348)




It's helpful to see where someone comes from, in order to see where they're going...
... and Mat Hunt's three decade professional path started in small-town radio

During college, weekends were spent doing everything that needs to be done in that radio station, because nobody else is there to answer the phone, the door, gather news, cue records, fix things that are broken, and yes... be the ANNOUNCER.  Signing your name on the log meant you read the meters, operated the transmitter, and even conducted Emergency Broadcast System tests. Then... the opportunity of a lifetime for a small town Georgia boy...

WFBC Radio & Television (now WYFF)
GSP's Powerhouse NBC Affiliate in the Nation's 35th Market.

A relatively inexperienced foot-in-the-door soon meant learning the new video toys... and then...

News Reporter and Anchor
6 & 11 Weather Anchor
Producer/Reporter/Editor of Camera 4 Features
Documentary Producer/Reporter/Editor

In 1982, Hunt and former News Director Dave Partridge established Huntridge Video Productions, Inc.  Hunt soon assumed full ownership, and the firm has transitioned with technology and legitimate need.

40 Years Broadcast Video Experience
35 Years Legal Video Experience
Location Work in 25 States
Invited Guest Lecturer
Contributing Author: Life Care Planning and Case Management Handbook, Third Edition.

There have been significant changes in electronic media over three decades, but as Huntridge has evolved into working exclusively for the Legal Profession, the basics remain the same:

Audio is the foundation for what you see...
Many things have to happen at the same time...
The best way to meet a deadline is to do your homework, and get it right THE FIRST TIME.

Anybody can buy or rent equipment.
Dedicated, experienced people with a commitment to excellence makes the difference.

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